1 2 3 4... The best path to the finding the right fit.
The process of applying to college can be overwhelming and stressful for both parents and students. While the process will never be pain free, I can make it easier for everyone involved. I offer insightful guidance and strategic advice to applicants as they search for the school that will fit them best. I help them develop essays and complete applications that show them in their best light and, most importantly, I guide them through the process to avoid the pressure of last minute deadlines.
01 Utilize industry leading self assessment tools including YouScience and Steven Antonoff's College Match to understand learning styles and interests. Objectively evaluate your strengths and areas for growth. Identify your key criteria for school selection.
02 Match your key criteria and interests with schools that will fit your academic strengths, social priorities, location and size requirements and financial need.
03 Show the best you during the complex and multifaceted application process. By using College Planner Pro, communication is easier, organization is built-in and missteps are minimized. You will identify essay topics using tested methods of brainstorming and ultimately will deliver essays that strengthen your application overall.
04 Enroll in the school that's right for you, academically, socially, geographically, financially and from a career perspective. Enjoy it and graduate with a pathway to your next steps.